Vital Source Converter Serial Numberl _TOP_
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If you plan to send characters back via netconsole or you wantto stop and start QEMU a lot of times, you should have QEMU usethe same source port each time by using something like -serialudp::4555@:4556 to QEMU. Another approach is to use a patchedversion of netcat which can listen to a TCP port and send andreceive characters via udp. If you have a patched version ofnetcat which activates telnet remote echo and single chartransfer, then you can use the following options to set up anetcat redirector to allow telnet on port 5555 to access theQEMU port.
The EP9302 processor from Cirrus is the highly integrated 200Mhz ARM9 processor thatthe TS-72XX SBC's are built around and includes an on-chip 10/100 ethernet, USB, serial,and Flash/SDRAM controller. For example, on the TS-7200 model there is 32 Mb ofMicron SDRAM running at 66 Mhz and 8 Mb Intel Strata flash on-board. A supplementalPLD provides glue logic, watchdog timer, Compact Flash IDE, and 8 bit PC/104 support.Integer CPU performance is about 20% faster than our 133 Mhz x86 offerings.Even with the standard power consumption of 2 Watts, the TS-72XX SBC's run withoutfans or heat sinks in the temperature range of -20 to +70°C. Extended Temperature -40°to +85°C is also standard, but CPU clock must be decreased to about 166MHz for highertemperatures. Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is enabled through a standard 5 channel,12bit A/D converter (Optional 8 channel, 12 bit A/D converter), 20 DIO lines and 2standard serial ports.
Low Power ConsumptionThe TS-7260 is a design optimized for low power consumption. This design allows forpower consumption as low as a ½ watt. There are three on-board switching power supplycircuits that generate all of the internal voltages required by the TS-7260. This allows for avery flexible input power source of 4.5 to 20 VDC and can be unregulated. The on-boardADC measures input voltage for battery or solar applications, allowing software monitoringof input voltage. It is also possible to control and minimize power consumption usingsoftware programming to enable shutdown of USB, LCD, Ethernet, and RS232 levelconverters.
There are 30 Digital Input/Output (DIO) lines available on the TS-7260. These areavailable on three headers labeled "DIO1," "DIO2," and "LCD", which may also assumeanother primary function, like the serial port option on DIO2 header. In this case, if theprimary function associated with the header pin is not required by the user application, thesignal is then available as a general purpose digital IO. DIO from the CPU can source 10mA and sink 4mA. TS-XDIO (fpga) can source and sink 24mA. 2b1af7f3a8