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The AMPI API is well suited for applications that do not depend on MPI for the bulk of their work. We have written AMPI to be a stand-alone library and so any application which creates threads may use AMPI. However, for applications that do depend on MPI, AMPI can also be compiled and linked into the application to allow seamless integration. This allows an application to be written in a single source file and work to many different platforms by linking in different versions of AMPI. We have developed tools such as the mkmpi-tools suite and lmpi-tools that allow a user to compile a single application into different versions of AMPI without recompiling the application itself. This is particularly useful for developing on Windows, where only 32-bit versions of AMPI are available, and then linking in 64-bit versions of AMPI when testing.
However, Isomalloc does support migrating a set of objects thatbelong to a single user-level thread, such as their address mappings in thevirtual memory. The challenge, then, is to implement an object-level migrationsof MPI ranks that keep the user-level thread’s objects alive withoutusing Isomalloc. This way we can use the same allocator at both theold and new nodes of the application. Since the application is amigration-aware, it can be written to take full advantage of itsnew memory, and the scheduler can migrate the thread’s objects. Withoutdoing any user-level code, the application will be migrated transparently,provided the correct migration scheduler is deployed.
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