Getting To Know Arcgis 4th Edition Pdf Download
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Hi, I have recently purchased the Getting To Know ArcGIS Fourth Edition book.In order for the book to download the trial version of ArcGIS 10.0 needed to be downloaded onto the pc, a regular version, which I was happy to do.Because the book came with a trial version, it meant that it had not been put into a DRM-free licence which prevented me from copying it, copying it to other computers and sharing it via I.M. or any other network that I was on.When I contacted Esri they said I could purchase a licence for the book but that it would cost me £40. 'Yes', I said but that is a lot more than a hard copy.
I have been getting frustrated because the software wont work. When I start the software I get a message saying that Arc cannot be found. I have tried unplugging, turning everything off and on again, but it still wont work. I have tried searching for \"ArcGIS\", \"arcGIS10\", \"arcGIS10.3\" and \"arcGIS3.2\" among other variations on google, but none of this has helped. I even tried making the folder that the software is in as administrator, but it didn't help.
I downloaded the book for a 180 days trial for free, so i could then use it in my my MSc research. This is the only book i have ever used where i have had to re-register and re-wotiten the book in order to use it, as i only got it for the MSc. 7211a4ac4a