ETAP 12.6.0
ETAP 12.6.0 -
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In the electric power system, the transmission system is a pathway to transmit electrical energy from the generator to the substation or from the substation to another substation which allows power losses and large voltage drops if the transmission length is relatively far and the overload is very high. affect the reliability of the transmission system. Analysis of power losses and voltage drop on the 150 KV high voltage transmission system at the Pati substation to the Jekulo substation. The analysis was carried out by conducting a survey at the research location then doing manual calculations and calculations using ETAP 12.6.0 software. The research method used was that the researcher collected voltage and current data at 10.00 and 19.00 WIB in one month and the transmission system supporting equipment specifications to be simulated in ETAP 12.6.0 from Pati and Jekulo substations in order to make comparisons between manual calculations and ETAP. 12.6.0.The conclusion of this study is the calculation of power losses manual calculation and simulation of ETAP 12.6.0 has a difference of 2.5% with the value of manual calculation power losses of 685.5 KW and the power losses from The simulation results reached 266.6 KW and the calculation of the presentation of power losses in the transmission line of GI Pati - GI Jekulo reached 6.8% exceeding the service percentage variation limit due to losses according to SPLN No. 72 of 1987 a maximum of 5% at least -10%.
Pada dasarnya studi aliran daya merupakan suatu bentuk pengetahuan dalam bidang ilmuketenagalistrikan. Manfaat dari analisa aliran daya yaitu dapat mengetahui pemakaian daya pada tiap beban,mengetahui apakah penggunaan beban sesuai dengan kebutuhuhan komponen yang telah terpasang, dan jugadapat memperoleh bentuk gambaran awal perancangan sistem kelistrikan untuk pengembangan perancangansistem yang baru. Analisa aliran daya pada penelitian ini ditujukan untuk melihat penyebab terjadinya trip dayalistrik jika dilaboratorium mesin-mesin listrik digunakan untuk praktikum, dan hal ini mengakibatkan prosesbelajar mengajar pada kelas lain menjadi terganggu. Sehingga perlu dilakukan perhitungan kembali terhadapkomponen kelistrikan yang digunakan baik penggunaan NFB, MCB, daya aktif dan reaktif pada bus, bebanlumped, dan beban static, dengan memberikan pembebanan yang berbeda pada tiap simulasi yang dilakukan.Untuk menganalisis sistem aliran daya, banyak software yang dapat digunakan untuk menjawab kebutuhan suplaidaya pada beban, dalam penelitian ini akan menggunakan software ETAP (Electrical Transient AnalyzerProgram) 12.6.0. Sehingga diharapkan dari hasil penelitian ini dapat memperbaiki sistem aliran daya padaGedung program studi Teknik Listrik dan Instalasi Politeknik Industri Logam Morowali.
In the rapid development of the world as it is today, the electricity has a very important role in supporting people activities. PT PLN (Persero), which in this case as Government State Owned Company that directly manage the provision of electrical energy is required to be ready to face the development of electricity demand in Indonesia. In distribution system of electricity, problems often occure because of the length of line distribution system which cause voltage drop, technical losses, power losses, etc. One of them happened to PT PLN (Persero) Rayon Muaralabuh. Where the distance between the main substation (GI Solok) with the first connecting substation is 110 KMS. This distance cause 9.62 % voltage drop during peak load. This nominal of voltage drop happens for just the first connecting substation that will be the source of division for all working areas of PT PLN (Persero) Rayon Muaralabuh. This factor encourages PT PLN (Persero) West Sumatra Area Solok to agree if Independent Power Plant (IPP) takes part in generating electricity, which will be distribute to PT. PLN (Persero) West Sumatera Area Solok Rayon Muaralabuh through interconnection system. The simulation of power flow using Etap 12.6.0 is used to analyze the stability of 20 kV system voltage at PT PLN (Persero) Rayon Muaralabuh before and after interconnection. Based on the result of simulation and Etap calculation, the highest voltage drop before interconnection by IPP is on Feeder express LubukGadang which is 13,71 %. After the interconnection by IPP, the voltage drop on that feeder becomes 4,326%, and the highest voltage drop is 4,855 %. Therefore, the voltage drop after the interconnection by the IPP already meets the standards allowed by SPLN No. 72 of 1987 which is maximum 5 % voltage drop. The precentage of technical losses in PT PLN (Persero) Rayon Muaralabuh before interconnection is 13,074 %, and after interconnection is decreased to 8,306 %.
Pada studi penelitian ini, menjabarkan perencanaan pembagian beban sepanjang 50% struktur jaringan penyulang lama PWI 7 dengan penambahan penyulang baru KRN 1. Pola pembagian struktur jaringan tersebut juga merubah pola switching keypoint sehingga perlu merekonfigurasi koordinasi proteksi pengaturan OCR ( Over Current Relay ) dan GFR ( Grount Fault Relay ) antara penyulang PWI 7 dengan penyulang baru KRN 1. Dengan didukung aplikasi simulasi ETAP 12.6.0 sebagai implementasi analisa dan penentuan pembagian beban dan rekonfigurasi switching keypoint dapat diterapkan di lapangan yang sesuai dengan Kajian Kelayakan Operasi ( KKO ) 153554b96e