Ea Sports Championship Bass ((NEW)) Free Download
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The fishing experience is much the same as other fishing games. It's no different from fishing in a garden pond. You hold down the [Fishing] button or press [Select] and hold your rod in the air. Your aim is to watch the fish floating in the air from left to right. You can move your mouse up and down to click on a fish. You can then drag the fish back to your boat and release it. The only difference is that you can only fish with a pole in Championship Bass.
The first thing you notice about Championship Bass is the fact that, by default, it simulates a 9,000-acre area. This is known as the 'catch zone'. This is the area in which you are expected to catch your fish. As you realize you are getting a little rusty, you have the option of upping the size of the area to anywhere from 1,500 to 3,000 acres. If you're having a great fishing trip, you can even choose to leave the catch zone alone and simply hop in your boat for a 10-hour session of fishing. This can be done by holding down the [Fishing] button or pressing [Select].
The second thing you notice about Championship Bass is that there is no mention of a net in the game. At first, this appears to be a major oversight, but as I went through the game, I realized that the simplicity of the game is actually the best part of it. Fishing with the net is not an option in this title because it conflicts with the gameplay. The game only allows you to fish with a pole, which is to say, the game only allows you to fish with your hands. You can use a pole, but only under certain conditions. For example, you can use a pole, or any other instrument, if you are in a designated water hole. You can also use a pole if you are fishing in the 'catch zone'. If you are not in the catch zone, then you are left to use your hands to fish. The pole is simply a device that helps you fish. The net does not appear to work either. In fact, it does not appear to do anything. In fact, I've never been able to get it to work in any game I've ever played.
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