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Volkswagen dealers in Europe have been required since 27 January 2014 to install a hardware and software monitoring system that will log data on engine emissions and revs, and send it to a company database. The system will also make it possible for engineers to track the status of vehicles with software updates. According to the EU Commission, the carmaker has until 1 October 2014 to ensure that at least 90% of these cars are equipped with a monitoring system and that nearly all cars on the market are covered. In the UK, this deadline has now been extended to 31 May 2016, while it will be December 2016 in Germany and October 2016 in Spain and Italy.
The repair of cars begins in September 2015. Volkswagen said it will repair the affected cars for free, even if the drivers opt out of the settlement. Volkswagen will use a different software version to comply with emissions rules, and the company cannot offer any guarantee that the repairs will work. Volkswagen will update the affected cars’ software so that the vehicles emit clean air. For affected cars in the US and Canada, Volkswagen will offer a free software update to ensure that the car complies with emissions rules in all conditions. Volkswagen could face fines of up to $18 billion in the US. According to the company’s guidelines, the company must resolve these issues by the end of the year. Volkswagen said that due to the complexity of the issues, it cannot predict the time frame for the repairs.
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