Cracked Screen Verizon No Insurance
A manufacturing defect is something that's wrong with the device itself (e.g., electrical or mechanical malfunction). It doesn't include physical damage caused by outside forces (e.g., water damage, cracked screen, etc.).Your replacement options are based on how long it's been since you purchased the device and if you have device protection.
Getting a speedy repair or replacement for a damaged phone or cracked screen is key. But the type of damage can affect your repair options. Verizon phone replacement and repair solutions, such as Verizon Protect and Total Mobile Protection, can help get the help you need in potentially stressful situations.
I bought a Samsung Charge last September, loving it as best I could. Just recently I found out it did not have any type of gorilla glass on it, when after dinner, a family member knocked it off the table and it cracked in the bottom center where the samsung logo is located. I have never been one to break devices easily, so I was surprised a 3-4 foot drop could have caused such major damage. It goes from the logo to the top of the screen with cracks extending throughout.
So sorry to hear about your iPhone screen dearcoury. I know it hard to use your device with that type of damage. Verizon Wireless does not replace parts on a phone. You can take it to the Apple store to ask if they are able to replace the screen. We will recommend replacing the entire device through insurance if you have it on your account. You can check your features online via My-Verizon.KinquanaH_VZWFollow us on Twitter @vzwsupport
why do we have to go to the Apple Store to get our cracked screen replaced my screen on my I Phone 4 S isnt cracked but if that ever happens why cant we come to the Verizon Wireless store to get it replaced why do we have to go to the Apple store to get our cracked screen replaced
Apple makes the device so if you don't have supplement insurance which replaces the whole phone with a second hand phone, going to Apple Store is much cheaper and your screen will be replaced for $100 versus paying $169 for the Asurian Supplemental insurance deductible.
Only about 40% of smartphone owners pay for insurance, Verizon said. The carrier charges $11 per month for a smartphone to cover up to three screen repairs or other incidents per year. A multi-device plan that costs $33 per month covers up to three lines and nine incidents per year.
The cracked screen repair option is automatically included with your insurance plan when you have an eligible device. There is an $89 deductible for a cracked screen repair. The screen repair deductible may be less than the deductible for replacing the covered device or purchasing a new one. When you have a cracked screen and are eligible for a repair, you can file a claim online at or by calling 888.562.8552.
AT&T customers who are enrolled in Mobile Insurance, Mobile Protection Pack, Mobile Protection Pack for Business and Multi-Device Protection Pack may be able to get their cracked screen repaired instead of receiving a replacement device.
Looking back at our iPhone 12 Pro Max example, a cracked screen would cost $329 in repairs through Apple if you were uninsured. And remember that back glass we mentioned earlier? An out-of-warranty repair would cost you $599, or more than half the original price of your phone. And if you needed a replacement, forking over another $1,099 is by no means a drop in the bucket for most people.
If your iPhone 7 has any damage which impairs the ability to complete the repair, such as a cracked screen, that issue will need to be resolved prior to the service. In some cases, there may be a cost associated with the additional repair. 2b1af7f3a8